Post Hurricane Irma

I'm adding a few photos from the past few days. I stayed on Facebook and Instagram but wasn't posting on this site, partially because Squarespace wouldn't allow me to save anything. I had a couple of videos, as well. If you ever don't see me for a few days, check there. :) The hurricane hit our area on the evening of September 10th and I'm posting backwards from today.
We're recovering! Looking back at the posts, it is really scary when a category 5 hurricane is headed your way. We were so lucky that it weakened enough and changed course at the last minute. We were also lucky to only have some minor fence damage and lose power. Many, especially south of us, are devastated. If you can donate, donate cash to legitimate organizations. Many of us had a lot of anxiety, expected. We were worrying about our families and friends stretched along the path, as well as ourselves.
There are jokes about eating all of your rations before the storm, but it's true. Nervous eating went into too nervous to eat anything. The frantic search for plywood, water, making bags of ice, filtering through tips and making sure you aren't doing the wrong ones (for example, dishwashers don't float). Putting together emergency bags with important documents and necessities (not suitcases because they won't stay dry!). Have you ever tried to pick out the only clothes you may end up with? Taking pictures of everything in your house for insurance purposes. People were freaking out to find water to purchase. Gas=Nope, gas stations running out. Cut down on your water use because the sewers can back up...if your house is still there. Close all of your doors inside, turn off your stove if you were cooking when the lights went out, empty your ice maker so when the power turns back on you won't try to use it and break it because it's turned into a solid block of ice. Generators!.....the correct and incorrect way to use them so you don't endanger the linemen or fry your circuits. Your pets!
Everything! I could go on and on and on.
I want to help people and have been offering constantly to everyone around me, including strangers. There have been a lot of stories of neighbors helping neighbors that are heart warming. People are mentally and physically exhausted.

Thursday, September 13th
Yoga at sunrise for the Irma warriors.
Hang in there peeps. Help your neighbors and take help when it's offered. 💛


Wednesday, September 13th
Good morning peeps :)
I hope you're getting back to normalcy. 
It's still not crazy hot again and the grocery stores are opening. But there are still a lot of power lines and traffic lights out of order and a ton of people without power so be careful. The power companies are working their butts off!
Let me know if I can help you.



Tuesday, September 12th
Sitting in my car to try to get better cell service and charge my phone. 
Although we are lucky because it could have been worse, it still sucks. 70% of Pinellas County is still without electricity and yesterday I heard them say half of Florida. The mosquitoes are loving this! 
I need to find a shower soon and start throwing out the stuff in the fridge before it starts to rot. Ewww....
Good luck everyone. I hope your safe. Please treat those darn stoplights as four way stopsigns.This is a long couple of weeks we're in but it'll be over soon.
💛 Peace out, yo.


Monday, September 11th
A couple of downed trees in the area because you haven't seen enough destruction today.


Sunday, September 10th
Godspeed everyone.
I'm hoping we're all left mostly in a position to help rather than need help. 💛


Saturday, September 9th
Sorry for the impression of vulgarity, but it's true. 
It's entering the radar. :(
