
Bay Pines Memorial Park

Last weekend was the service for my father and mother at the Bay Pines Veteran’s Administration.
This is an image of my oldest brother, his wife, and their son before the service. It was very rushed because they have a tight schedule. But the military portion with the traditional gun salute and flag ceremony was beautiful. I’ll always be sad but I’m relieved they aren’t suffering any more. They lived long eventful lives. How could you not with seven children?
A bit of advice, don’t forget your tissues when attending a funeral.




🎶 mother, I know your face
father, I still hold your place...

My father's obituary is in the paper today.
My mother didn't have one because I believe my father wouldn't accept that she was gone. 
My father's funeral is at the end of the month.
My mother didn't have one because I believe my father 
wouldn't accept that she was gone.
That closure has never happened. 
That list of her life has never been written.
And it hurts because she deserved it.
And we deserve it. 
But at least, writing this, I get the honor of shedding tears again, now for both of them.
That can’t be taken away.


Good Morning :)

Ten days of busy that included two trips to Tampa and five trips to St. Pete and some very enjoyable shoots 📷...back to some normal busy and catch up today! 

Missing my family that are back home or on their way today. :(

Have a good Monday everyone.



I borrowed from my folk's photo stash during our partial family reunion over the weekend.
I was cute for a minute....that didn't last.


Personal Time.... :)

For being someone that's fond of documenting events, I don't do very well at the exhibits. I did get this guy, though Jim Miller is one of the badass photographers that's joined the group. Interesting dude, talented and funny. 
He has a photography book for sale on Amazon called "The Sofa Diaries" that I recommend checking out.
My apologies for my blurry phone pic.
p.s. The show is up for a month at Bar@548 in St. Petersburg. :)

I have new headlights and they're beautiful. :)
They aren't blue in person. They were reflecting my clothes and the sky. The old ones looked awful. They were cloudy and yellow. These are so sparkley. I wish I had a picture of how ugly the old ones had become.

Pop. :)