

Yesterday we found out that we lost someone extra special the night before.


It's hard to describe the void that Sandy will leave. If you knew her just a little, you knew that she was one of the kindest people you'd ever meet. Everyone loved her. 
And she was everyone's biggest cheerleader. She was so excited for anyone's accomplishments, including her own. From her best buddy Lisa's running, to Pamela's real estate, to my photographs. And her photographs...she loved photography. She was so excited and festive about everything. 
And cooking! Sandy loved to cook. She made meals for her husband and son and any friends that were sick or injured. She would take care of people, bringing them gifts and food if they had trouble. 
She was by far the brightest spot in her store. Sandy had so many gold stars from customers contacting the store that she couldn't fit them all on her name tag. They would come in just to see her. They were all her friends. And she was even on her way to winning a company wide award for customer compliments which she was so excited about.
She loved her family and friends so much. She would cry every time she would talk about her son because she was so proud of him.
I don't know who I'm going to tease by telling her "No" every time she asked me to do something. Or who I'm going to talk to about food. Or who I'm going to share my photography stories with. Or who is going to make me laugh like that. I had deleted our texts and pictures a couple of days before to make room in my phone because I knew there'd be so many more.
I wish we could have gone out for sushi again...or anywhere again. I wish I still had some of her pictures from Disney.
Sandy's heart was so full of emotion and joy that I guess it couldn't take it any more. 
We'll miss you so much Sandy.

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